Miller Vinatieri Motorsports Fights Hard in Portland, Turns Attention to Milwaukee

INDY NXT by Firestone traveled to the Pacific Northwest this past weekend for the final road course event of the season at Portland International Raceway. Miller Vinatieri Motorsports battled through the weekend and now turn their attention to the season’s final two races.
This weekend at Portland International Raceway, Jack William Miller managed to move forward by avoiding an incident at the start of the race. He managed to keep the positions he gained for much of the race, but unfortunately received a penalty that dropped him to 15th, where he ultimately finished.
“Portland was tough for us,” Miller said. “We qualified further back, but we were able to gain positions at the beginning of the race. I fought hard to keep those positions, but ultimately, I couldn’t. Now we turn our focus to the last two races of the season, both of which are at new venues, which evens the playing field and gives us a good chance for some great results.”
Next up for Miller is the Milwaukee Mile, a track that’s new to the entire INDY NXT field.
“I’m really looking forward to heading to the Milwaukee Mile,” Miller said. “I love oval racing, and this is an exciting oval, especially since it’s new for everyone. I can’t wait to see what we can do, and I’m confident that we can achieve a great result in Milwaukee.”
Miller will take to the one-mile oval Friday for the only practice session of the weekend. Qualifying will take place Saturday afternoon, and the Milwaukee 100 is scheduled for 3:50 PM ET.
“It’s going to be an action packed weekend, with only one practice session and a short turnaround between qualifying and the race,” Miller expressed. “We’re going to have to learn as much as possible as fast as possible, but I know we can do that and have a good weekend.”
Jack William Miller and Miller Vinatieri Motorsports would like to thank all their partners for their continued support. A huge thank you to Patterson Dental, HavenGo by SAAM, Shadow Graphix, Express Auto, Hamilton County Endodontics, Biggs Hansen Orthodontics, Barnes & Thornburg Law, Indiana Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates, Bell Helmets, Edge Rock, Indy Dental Group, Indiana Hernia Center, K1 Race Gear, and RTD Media.
Photo Credit: RTD Media